
“Saya mau melukis seperti ketika saya bermain cello.” - Handrio 

(I want to paint as if I were playing a cello.)

Handrio (1926-2010) took upon many different roles during his lifetime: a painter, a cello player, a teacher, a civil servant, a graphic designer and more, but he was, first and foremost, a composer. His paintings reveal how he viewed each shape and colour as an individual element - like pitches and chords in music - to be tuned and composed into a coherent visual whole.


This fourth edition of our The Modernist Series features Handrio, an iconoclastic artist whose relative obscurity in Indonesian art history belies the fact he pioneered abstract geometry and was its steadfast proponent. Along with Fadjar Sidik (1930-2004), Handrio experimented with a modernist geometric expression that - although not entirely liberated from Western influence - was one inherently unique to Indonesian art.


As the title of this exhibition, Dawai (meaning string in Bahasa Indonesia) does not only allude to string instruments as Handrio’s artistic inspiration, but also the meticulous lines he made with the brush. Be it strings or lines, in the hands of Handrio, both turn out melodies in the abstract realm.


Download the exhibition catalogue here.

Upcoming Public Programmes


Expressive Painting Workshop with Haiza Putti 
Sunday, 5 November 2023, 2 - 6pm (GMT+7)
In this workshop, participants will paint expressively by mapping colors and composition. Canvas and painting equipment are included in the fee.

Book Binding Workshop with @cabindingstory
Saturday, 11 November 2023


Cello Group Recital by Adel's Studio

Sunday, 26 November 2023, 4 - 5pm (GMT+7)